Blue Flame Cruisers Car and Motorcycle Club​

Blue Flame Cruisers Car & Motorcycle Club 

Effective:  January 2009


Section 1: Club Name. The name of the organization shall be Blue Flame Cruisers Car & Motorcycle Club 

Section 2: Purpose. We are a nonprofit motor vehicle enthusiasts club that enjoys the restoration and preservation of original classics, custom, antique, performance cars, trucks and motorcycles.  Our main goal is to bring awareness and make charitable contributions in the Bastrop County area.  We enjoy getting together, working on our cars and cruising to area car shows and events. Membership is open to everyone


Membership annual dues shall be payable in January of each year. Dues cover membership for an individual. Dues will be prorated per month for new members joining during the fiscal year of January 1 through December 3 l


Section 1: Membership in this organization shall be open to individuals who own or are interested in the hobby of motor vehicles.

Section 2: Membership is accepted when (1) Membership Application is submitted; (2) Membership dues are paid and (3) individual possesses a valid driver’s license. When the aforementioned are accomplished, an individual is considered as an “Active/Voting” member.

Section 3: Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner favorable to the organization and its purpose, especially when visibly expressing their membership.

Section 4: Any member may be suspended or removed from the organization at the discretion of the board of officers by a majority vote based on conduct that disrupts the good order of club activities.


Section 1: Monthly Meetings. The dates of the regular monthly meetings are scheduled for the 3nd Thursday of each month. The determined time for the meeting is 7:00 P.M. Location for the monthly meetings shall be published to the members.

Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Officers or a Committee Chair when deemed necessary to conduct the business of this organization.

Section 3: Notice. Notice of change in meeting location or special meeting shall be given to each “Active/Voting” member, by telephone or by email, as soon as possible.


1.   Meeting called to order

2.   Roll Call

3. Minutes of the preceding meeting.

4. Reports of Officers.

5. Reports of Committees.

6. Old and Unfinished Business.

7. New Business

8. Upcoming Events and Member’s Accomplishments

9. Adjournment.


 Section 1: The initial Officers of the club shall be as follows:


Vice President



Motorcycle Relations Coordinator    

Public Relations Coordinator            

Section 2: Election of Officers. Election of new officers will occur as the last item of business at the December meeting of the club. Nominations are to be listed at the November meeting. During the December meeting, the election of Officers shall be by a simple majority of the “Active/Voting” members of the club. Ballots shall be provided.

Section 3: Terms. Officers shall serve a term of 1 year and may be re-elected for consecutive terms. The year beginning January l and ending December 3 1

Section 4: It is the responsibility of the Officers to conduct all the business of the organization in proper manner. 

Section 5: Resignation, Termination. Resignation by an Officer must be in writing and received by the Secretary. An Officer may be removed from office by a vote of a quorum (see VOTING for definition) of the “Active/Voting” members.

Section 6: Vacancies. When a vacancy of an Officer exists, nominations for new Officer may be received from the “Active/Voting” members in attendance at the following monthly meeting. These nominations will be sent out in the monthly newsletter to all “Active/Voting” members and will be voted upon at the next monthly meeting. The vacancy will be filled only to the end of the vacated Officer’s term.

Section 7: PRESIDENT. Shall be the spokesperson of the organization and ensures that the club operates within the bylaws established by the membership. The President will conduct the monthly meetings, appoint committees, and call special meetings as required.

Section 8: VICE PRESIDENT. Shall assume the responsibilities of the President in her or his absence. The Vice President will actively work with the Treasurer on establishing operating budgets for club functions and act as a co-signer for club checks.

Section 9: SECRETARY. Shall record the minutes of club meetings and keep historical records. The Secretary assist the Registration Coordinator in maintaining a current roster of membership.

Section 10: TREASURER. Shall have care and custody of all monies belonging to the organization, they Will be responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures along with presenting monthly and annual status of finances to the membership. The Treasurer is designated as the only required signature for check writing. The Treasure will be the custodian of all financial records.

Section 11: MOTORCYCLE RELATONS COORDINATOR, Shall present an annual calendar of known or established events that are for the interest of the membership. The motorcycle coordinator will entertain suggestions for club events or promotion of shows and present in the calendar as she or he deems. The Motorcycle Coordinator may appoint a committee to help organize an upcoming club event.

Section 12: PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR,  Shall  present an annual calendar of known or established events that are for the interest of the membership. The Events coordinator will entertain suggestions for club events or promotion of shows and present in the calendar as she or he deems. The Events Coordinator may appoint a committee to help organize an upcoming club event.


Section 1: Rights. Members must be present at the meeting at which items are presented to the members for a vote. 

Section 2: At all meetings, except for the election of officers, voting shall be by voice or a show of hands. For the election of Officers, voting shall be by ballot and counted by no less than two non candidate members. 

Section 3: Quorum. A quorum is considered to be at least 6 members of the “Active/Voting” members in attendance at the meeting in which items are presented to the members for a vote. Acceptance by a quorum must take place before business can be transacted or motions made or passed.

Section 4: All major decisions that will have impact on items such as finances or event dates shall be presented during a monthly meeting to the membership but voting on said item(s) will be reserved for the following monthly meeting. 


Section 1: The club may create committees as needed, such as Fundraising, Annual Car Show, Public Relations, etc 

Section 2: Each committee will appoint a Chair. The Chair will act as the focal point for reporting status of the Committee, point-of-contact for information or questions.

Section 3: Committees are to research their assigned tasks and mark recommendations to the membership for voting.


Section 1: A majority of the profits from fund raisers, Annual Car Show, etc. will be provided to a designated charitable beneficiary. (By law, a non-profit organization must provide a minimum of 60% of the funds raised.))

Section 2: No Officer shall for reason of his office be entitled to receive any salary or compensation.

Section 3: All collected funds are to be verified by an officer for deposit at the time of monies received whenever possible (i.e., club meetings and club sponsored events).

Section 4: One signature only is required for check issuing (see Treasures duties).  Any

check written over $500.00 will be reported to the club during the next meeting.  

Section 5: Records of finances will be maintained for 7 years for auditing purposes (see Treasures duties).  The treasurer is responsible for filing all tax renditions after review
by the President.

Section 6: Three members will review the financial status of records at the beginning of each fiscal year (January).

Section 7: An original receipt is required for any re-imbursements to club members.


The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly revised shall govern Blue Flame Cruisers Car and Motorcycle Club, Inc. in all cases to which they are applicable and in which are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Membership may adopt.



SECTION 1. Amendments or changes to the Bylaws can be proposed at any time by a member in good standing. The proposed amendment must be submitted (written, signed, and dated) to the President. The amendment or change will be read to the membership at the next business meeting for a ratification vote.

SECTION 2. Balloting for amendments to the club Bylaws will be done by secret ballot if requested by the member proposing the amendment.